What I’ve Expereinced to be True
It’s December 31st and we’re all reflecting on what 2024 has given and what we wish to receive in 2025. Here are some things I’ve experienced to be true:
Your life is YOURS! Make sure that it’s reflected in the way you move, speak, dress, live, socialize, etc. Through and through, you should see that your life is YOURS.
People and their opinions are fickle. I learned this in high school and now throughout my life. Folks don’t like [fill in the blank] until you do. And when you do, they’ll say something slick, and soon after they’ll start liking [fill in the blank] and are copying and pasting onto themselves what they just shaded you for liking. Take no offense. It’s just a clear sign that people and their opinions are fickle and that your life is YOURS and you MUST DO YOU AT ALL COST. They’ll catch up!
Get great at listening to your spirit. Your logic is unreliable for the many times in life that don’t add up logically. Logic has the natural nature of overthinking and going back and forth in decision-making. Your spirit just be knowing! Here’s a small way to start listening. In low-effort ways, follow that inside voice. It says, “go to Trader Joes’s not Kroger that’s up the street.” Go to TJs. It says, “make pasta. Don’t order in.” Make pasta.
Most decisions are NOT final. You can change your mind. Let’s say you make pasta and it’s nasty. You can now make something else, order in, or figure out where you went wrong and try it again. Make a decision. Make small decisions quickly. In making decisions know that you can change your mind if that decision does not work for you.
Don’t let folks RUSH you. Make big decisions slowly. Decisions are very important to me. On important ones, I do take my time. At first I thought I was just an indecisive person, but later I realized that I’m actually very decisive BUT OFTEN TIMES I’m not presented with what I want and the “indecision” comes with weighing out the pros and cons of choosing second best. I was listening to a reputable podcast and the lady said that successful people take their time in making decisions and deals. They don’t let others rush them. I gathered that rushing is a clear sign that you’ll overlook what needs to be seen.
Know when to speak up and when to pipe down. Sometimes people don’t need to know that you can see right through them. Sometimes people don’t need to know that you know the games they play. Just let them believe you have no idea. Let them destroy themselves. In other times, let a hoe know that you ain’t the one or the two to be played with. Period. 💅🏾
Everybody’s fun ain’t gotta be your fun. It doesn’t make you LAME for not liking what others like and it doesn’t make you COOL for forcing yourself to like what they like.
Clock addiction. Sometimes people’s “fun” is really a masked addiction. Chile, you ain’t taking 10 shots in 10 minutes because you have a high tolerance. You’re running. You’re escaping. You’re trying to get far far away from whatever is haunting you. It’s not just drugs and alcohol. It can be anything that you indulge in to escape the lion.
Face the lion and he will flee. I was reading a book that said this and I started doing that. The thing that I thought was so hard and difficult to do, I realized was quite simple or easy to fix or less difficult to do than I imagined. It was my imagination that made the “lion” a lion in the first place.
Get CLOSE to God! Pray. Prayer is not just bowing your head and saying words. It’s having a conversation with the Most High. It also goes beyond words and conversations. It is moving in faith. Your actions are prayers. You pray with your words and your actions should be a manifestation of the words you sent up.
LOVE unapologetically. It’s the most fulfilling thing in the world. LOVE Yourself and let others feel and experience the love you’ve cultivated. Some people will honor it. Some people will attempt to take advantage of it. For those who do the latter, let them GO! Be it romantic or platonic. Don’t stop being your loving self because those folks were so twisted and unloved that they thought love was a chance to take advantage. Send up some prayers for ‘em and keep being your loving self.
Big love. Never ever the lil kind.
Zaire ✨